The Grace of Faith is Divine Mercy

We have celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday on the second Sunday of Easter for many years now. As I prepare these blog posts, I always consult several different texts and commentaries. Sometimes, one of the Sunday’s readings inspires me. Other times, I come across a line which speaks to me. In this case, it is the latter. A little sentence from Father Emmanuel Schwab of the Saint-Léon parish in Paris: the Grace of Faith is Divine Mercy. It is a very short sentence, but one which transforms the way I look at Thomas in this Sunday's Gospel. How helpful it is for us that he was skeptical! This allows us to reflect once again on the mystery of faith and the greatness of this faith in the hearts of believers. We cannot measure faith as we measure Olympic performances. It is not a question of physical or personal performance. Faith is Grace, a gift. The Word of God is Life. It nourishes our faith. It speaks to us differently every time we approach It. The Holy Spirit continues to act...